πŸ›Ž How is 2024 stacking up for you?
- Are you hitting your targets?
- Achieving the sales you expect each month?
- Is your business sustainable and giving you the lifestyle you desire?

πŸ†Strategy Power Hour with Joanne.Does.Strategy: Book Now for Only Β£149.00 πŸ†
Finish 2024 STRONG! Don't let it break you!
πŸ›ŽDo you have a Business Strategy in place, or are you just winging it?
- That's not a Strategy!
- Your strategy needs to encompass more than just sales and marketing.
- A sales and marketing plan is only a small part of your overall Business Strategy.
Having ME as your Business Coach will make a significant difference because you won't progress until you understand and follow a comprehensive business strategy.
πŸ›Ž So, what actually IS a strategy?
A strategy combines your business plans and actions to achieve the desired results your business needs to grow and progress.
Sounds simple, but don’t underestimate the complexity involved.
πŸ›Ž Why Establish a Business Strategy?
- It provides a clear "step-by-step" path covering product, POV, marketing, delivery, process, and sales.
- It empowers you to sell your offers with confidence.
- It helps you identify and focus on critical areas of your business, plugging gaps to maximize profits.